Emphasis Theme: the new responsive template for Magento Commerce

Responsive Magento Theme

I am proud to present you my first responsive template now for sale on ThemeForest!

Emphasis is a responsive theme for Magento Commerce CMS, made with the purpose of being used for any kind of ti store: fashion, computers, electronics, lingerie and much more!

It is compatible with the following versions of Magento: 1.5.x (,,, 1.6.x (,,, 1.7.x (,,,

Key Features

  • Responsive template (fits various resolutions and suports such as iPhone, iPad, Desktop)
  • It has a built-in theme customization panel
  • Built on the basis of Framework Foundation 4
  • Dropdown cart in the header
  • Ajax add to cart module integrated into the product tab

You can purchase it directly at this address for only $80! (more or less 70€)

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