Magento already has a great newsletter engine at its core. Learn how to insert the newsletter subscription block into a CMS page.
pesso happen to have to make a CMS page in Magento for a site under construction, with the need to enter the client's contact information.
Magento is a great tool and already has a very powerful newsletter engine built in. So why not also include a subscription block to allow users (and potential customers) to sign up and stay up-to-date?
to do this, just put the following code in the cms page, code side, in the exact place where we want to make the signup form comapire:
[php]{{block type="newsletter/subscribe" template="newsletter/subscribe.phtml"}}[/php]
As soon as you enter the code, save the page et voila!
NB. If you are already using the subscribe.phtml block, you can duplicate it and call it subscribe_2.phtml. Remember to change the block code as well!